for the rapidly growing wireless world

for the rapidly growing wireless world

Safe Dynamics is an independent safety company that promotes the public’s understanding and acceptance of wireless technologies. Main office: San Diego, California. New international headquarters: Dubai, UAE.

Safe Dynamics has globally patented an innovative, multi-layered RF safety system to protect workers and the public. Safe Dynamics guarantees the safety of workers performing their duties near RF emitting antennas.

Safe Dynamics 3rd party certification provides RF insurance for each wireless site and ensures the public that all wireless sites, including 5G, can operate safely when in compliance with FCC and ICNIRP RF exposure guidelines.
to wireless safety challenges
- Technology
- Intellectual Property
- Insurance coverage
Watch our introduction video to learn how Safe Dynamics is in a unique position, as an independent third party, to help promote 5G deployment safer and faster across the globe.
To support the hundreds of millions of wireless devices in the US today, there are currently over 500,000 wireless antenna systems and this number is expected to grow to over 1 million in the next few years.
Previously, wireless antennas were solely located on remote towers behind locked gates. Today, however, antenna systems are routinely co-located on structures in densely populated areas and often disguised for aesthetic reasons.
Due to their proliferation, these antenna sites are increasingly more accessible to workers and the public.


The Safe Dynamics RF safety solution (RF Work Aware™) ensures all antennas licensees are in full compliance with the FCC’s RF (radiofrequency) safety regulations. Safe Dynamics’s RF Work Aware™ is a standardized, national RF safety protocol. RF Work Aware™ provides:

Training and certification of all workers that work near wireless site antennas.

Easily-accessible, current, site-specific RF safety information for every wireless transmission site available to authorized workers.

A hub for all commercial and government FCC licensees, site owners, tower companies, contractors, and workers to work together in the communication and sharing of information that provides a safe working environment while safeguarding proprietary information.

A standardized process for documenting site activities at antenna sites by 3rd-party workers.

Indemnification against site-related RF injury claims for all participants.
Safe Dynamics’s comprehensive RF safety solution is offered to all participants, including commercial and government FCC licensees, site owners, tower companies, contractors, and workers.
Safe Dynamics has developed applications and protocols that guarantee workers may perform their tasks safely around RF transmitting antennas. Safe Dynamics is collaborating with a Lloyd’s of London syndicate and a global insurer to provide RF liability coverage for those entities that follow the Safe Dynamics safety protocol. The result of this collaboration is RF Indemnity Shield™—the only RF safety insurance product of its kind in the world.
RF Indemnity Shield™ financially safeguards all parties in the wireless ecosystem. Policies cover claims and legal costs related to RF injuries for every wireless site and stakeholder utilizing the Safe Dynamics safety solution. This product will help promote continued growth of the wireless ecosystem and public acceptance of new technologies such as 5G.

RF Indemnity Shield™ is a 21st-century solution to a 21st-century problem and is provided at no cost to all wireless ecosystem participants who adhere to the Safe Dynamics safety protocol.